sábado, 31 de maio de 2008

i'll never know where's my shelter from the storm


Once I had mountains in the palm of my hand,
And rivers that ran through ev'ry day.
I must have been mad,
I never knew what I had.*

Some day little girl
Everything for you is gonna be new
Some day little girl
You'll have a diamond as big as your shoe. *

'but i hope, in a murderous manner, i hope...'


1 comentário:

A figure from the present disse...



It isn't a happy day. Never was for you but for me, recently became a "glorious day"...

You can't forget the only reason known that brought you to this world - to be a "warrior". You've enough strength to defy the whole world and to do not turn your face to the hardest battle of all. And you suffer as no one, the toughness of the fight that every single day, you face against yourself - The Inner Fight.

I don't pretender to bring you some hope... I know all about the inner voices, "the figures from the past" that will "keep calling" you. They always will...

I just want to say with the most fervent desire, because it's the unique thought that occurs me when i try to describe you, that YOU ARE NOT ALONE...

Let's make the Parallel Corner, a JOY DIVISION, shall we?

Happy Birthday!

A Gigantic Kiss (that is just your size) :P * * *

1/Jun/2008 7:30:00

ao ouvido...


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